When is my bin picked up?Calendar with curb-side bins pickup dates for Edinburgh. With reminders!App which shows you reminders about dates for your curb-side recycling and bins are picked up.This student-made mobile app will make sure you don’t forget when your packaging, glass, garden, food and landfill bins are picked up.About the Project Team:This project was created by a group of CodeClan students (David Bujok, George Tegos, Lewis Ferguson) and their instructor (Pawel Orzechowski).Most of us are looking for jobs in software development, so contact us if you would like to talk about this project or any other opportunities or initiatives.About the Data:Data is taken from publicly accessible websites of Edinburgh city council about the days when recycling bins are picked up (https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/bins-recycling). This app is in NO WAY associated with any government institution or activity, and does not represent a government entity.We also combined the datasets for various types of bins (packaging, glass, garden, food and landfill) into one calendar, for ease of use. As new streets are built, and data changes, we’ll do our best to update the app.